About Us

Where We Began

Rhino Renewables Solar and Electric began offering its services as a solar and electrical contractor in April of 2020. After years of working in the solar industry, honing his craft and obtaining the required licensing, Jacob took the opportunity to start a new company. The vision for Rhino Renewables is the same vision that led Jacob into the solar industry: Creating an ever more sustainable and energy independent world by installing renewable energy and practical electrical systems in his own community.

As Rhino gained momentum, building a team of solar and electrical professionals was imperative to Rhino’s success. Welcome Ed Wright to the conversation. Now co-owner of Rhino Renewables, Ed and Jacob worked together in years past and had discussed opening a solar company many times. As with most great things, even if timing does not line up, if something is meant to be it will figure itself out. This new partnership allowed Jacob and Ed to bring skills to the table that complimented each other. With Ed taking charge of sales and design, and Jacob taking care of operations they worked together, filling the gaps along the way.

Rhino Renewables is now an established turnkey solar installer and electrical contractor that prides itself on education based sales and providing ease of mind to our clients. The goal for Rhino Renewables has always been to grow with the solar industry and keep a strong foundation in electrical contracting . Our foundation in the fundamentals of electrical contracting allows Rhino Renewables to be more effective throughout the design, permitting, interconnection and building process. We are passionate about creating a healthier world for all, starting with our own community, one roof at a time.

Twelve Points of Rhino's Culture

Rhino Renewables main goal is creating an ever more sustainable and energy independent world by providing renewable energy and practical electrical systems throughout Western North Carolina.

The Rhino Renewables team will fulfill this vision by providing clients with an education based sales approach. We commit to ensuring customer peace of mind through our 12 points of culture. 

Honesty – We operate with integrity and ethical business practices. 

Taking extreme pride in our craftsmanship – We care immensely about the product we produce. Our goal is to be mindful of every bolt and screw that we install. We believe that every part is installed by our hands should last for a 100 years. 

Education– We are all learning and teaching. Both in our trade and our lives. We are committed to continuing to educate ourselves, our teammates, and anyone our business touches. 

Ownership & Accountability – We are responsible for our actions and outcomes. Anything we touch is ours, and should be treated as if it is one’s own. We commit to being dependable for the team and accountable for our actions and how they affect the team as a whole. We are accountable for our actions and take pride in our accountability. 

Flexibility – When we come up against an issue, we use our flexibility to solve the problem, while keeping our core culture values intact. Whether it be scheduling, problem solving, or any other issue we come up against, we will use our flexibility to overcome said issue. 

Dependability – We are dependable. We show up when we say, and can be depended on in all areas of our business. 

Consistency – We are consistent. One might have trouble finding differences in our work, as we are focused on producing consistent and excellent results. 

Team oriented – We are fully team oriented. We rely on each other, and check in with one another to ensure we consistently operate in a team oriented environment. 

Communication – We communicate at a top level. Without good communication, we will have trouble following our cultural goals. We must continue to take time to communicate clearly within our team, and to any we interact with. 

Committed to reinvesting in our team and community – We are all here by choice. We will strive to reinvest in ourselves, our employees, and our community. We believe that with reinvestment in these facets, we can continue to encourage proper healy growth and development. 

Sustainability for the environment and the business – We want our business to operate sustainably. We look at this both from an environmental and business standpoint. We will strive to do our part in environmental sustainability, while growing our business in a sustainable manner to ensure our business continues to operate long into the future. 

Family first – We believe family should come first. While our business could be considered a family, we believe that our team’s individual family connections must come first.

Meet the Team

jacob headshot

Jacob Benton


edward wright co owner of rhino solar scaled 1 (1) cropped

Edward Wright


danny headshot

Danny Elliot

Solar Crew Lead

dom headshot

Dominic Eads

Electrical Crew Member

Business Hours

