The Duke Energy PowerPair program is an initiative in North Carolina aimed at encouraging homeowners to install solar panels along with battery storage systems. Duke offers up to $9,000 in incentives to offset installation costs depending on your selected system size and battery capacity.
- $0.36/watt-AC for solar panel installation up to 10 kW-AC
- $400/kWh for battery storage installation up to 13.5 kWh
Homeowners can then choose between 2 options. Both options require a reliable internet connection and permission for Duke to access and use all data associated with the systems operation.
PowerPair: Allows you to keep full control of your battery system and receive the cash rebate. If you choose this option, you will be billed through a TOU (Time Of Use) rate structure, also referred to as the Residential Solar Choice rider.
PowerPair + Power Manager Battery Control: Allows you to receive the cash rebate plus a monthly credit per your battery capacity.
If you opt for the Duke Power Manager Battery Control, you will be enrolled in the Net Metering Bridge rider. With this option, Duke has access to discharge your battery to 20% state of charge up to 36 times per year.
Check out this link to the Duke webpage for more info: Duke Energy Solar + Battery Incentives