There is only more to come in this area as commercial and residential solar installations are nothing new Asheville, NC or Rhino Renewables! In fact, Asheville has proven reducing the carbon footprint is so important that the city has a goal that by the end of 2030 all municipal operations will be powered exclusively by renewable energy. The same goes for Buncombe county only; they would like the entire county to be powered by renewable energy by the end of 2042.
So far in the year 2022, the city of Asheville has 5 solar powered facilities, and Buncombe County also has 5 solar powered facilities. Data has been collected during the most solar productive time of year which is theoretically during the summer solstice. Between June 6th and July 6th Asheville’s 5 solar facilities produced roughly 30 megawatt-hours, and Buncombe County’s produced roughly 25 megawatt-hours of electricity. Duke Energy also has their own renewable energy sources such as solar and hydroelectricity.
As the pie charts show for both areas there is still work that needs to be done, but there is still plenty of time to continue making a difference. If you have not seen the solar installation on the ART Transit Station, perhaps the New Belgium Brewing Company, Fire Station #10, Fire Station #11,the Carver Center, Burton St. Community Center, or even the Linwood Crump Shiloh Community Center. There is even solar on apartment buildings in downtown Asheville. After seeing solar once, you begin to notice it everywhere. Maybe your neighbor down the street has solar, or your boss, or even a family member. The next step is to check out solar for your own benefit on your home or business, and Rhino Renewables can make that happen.
New Belgium unveils its latest solar installation at Asheville brewery
How much solar energy does local government produce?
City of Asheville completes aggregated solar project
Carver Center gets new solar panels, playground
Asheville energizes four new solar arrays totaling 176 kW
Office of Sustainability shares results of Solarize Asheville Buncombe campaign
City of Asheville ‘flips the switch’ on solar panels at renovated Transit Station